Imaging for Impact Accelerator Icon

Imaging for Impact Accelerator

A social enterprise of healthcare innovators who are leading ultrasound interventions in their local communities.
Mother and Child icon to represent the Grand Challenge

Grand Challenge

Global mission for ultrasound proficiency and certification by 2030.

Scholarships Icon


Breaking barriers in ultrasound education with financial aid for students.
Ultrasound Wand Icon to represent the MedMissions Program


Grant-supported projects advancing global access to ultrasound technology.

Grand Challenge:
Maternal Health

At the heart of our global healthcare mission lies the Grand Challenge, an ambitious initiative by the Inteleos Foundation aimed at transforming patient care and equity in healthcare through training, certification, and standardization.

Our vision is clear: Have every user of medical ultrasound across the world proficient and certified by 2030, ensuring patient safety and increasing equity in healthcare.

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A group of medical professionals attending a live ultrasound demonstration in a packed demonstration in Africa
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Medical students gathered around an ultrasound demonstration at presentation in Nigeria
What IF...
The Inteleos Foundation Logo representing our patients, clinicians, and donors

What if…

Every women’s health clinician was equipped, trained and certified in ultrasound, and every maternal patient had access to critical obstetric scans?

Grand Challenge: A Collective Impact Framework to Address Maternal Health Disparities

By 2030, every user of medical ultrasound worldwide will not only be proficient but also certified – a benchmark that promises enhanced patient safety and an equitable healthcare landscape for all.

To Achieve Our Goal We:

  • Work with local and regional health experts to develop ultrasound standards that reflect the needs of the community
  • Educate and train midwives, nurses, and clinical officers
  • Verify healthcare providers’ knowledge, skills, and abilities through assessment and certification
  • Leverage and assist in the distribution of ultrasound technology and equipment
  • Ensure a pipeline of local trainers, sustainable proficiency, and access to working devices

Maternal Health By The Numbers

Despite advancements in healthcare, maternal health remains an under-resourced sector of global healthcare delivery. Disparities in quality and access to modern maternal care persist, significantly affecting outcomes in developing regions
We can significantly improve prenatal diagnostics and monitoring through ultrasound use; however, healthcare providers must be formally evaluated through standardized education and certification to ensure safe and proper use of this powerful tool.


Only 17 Percent

Of mothers receive basic maternal and fetal health interventions in low-income countries.


Of women in sub-Saharan Africa receive the WHO recommended four antenatal visits.

810 Daily

Average number of women who died from preventable causes related to pregnancy or childbirth in 2017.

Women in Sub-Saharan Africa face a lifetime risk of maternal death. (2017)
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How Ultrasound Can Change the Game

Starting in Kenya, the Inteleos Foundation is prioritizing community partnership and collaboration to combat high maternal mortality rates through policy and sustainable implementation of education, workforce development, and certification.

Through the promotion and adoption of ultrasound technology we:

  • Empower Healthcare Providers: Equip professionals with essential ultrasound skills for better clinical decisions.
  • Reduce Maternal Mortality: Aim for a 10% reduction in maternal mortality and morbidity in areas like Kenya within five years.
  • Foster Socioeconomic Growth: Strengthen healthcare infrastructure through task expansion, creating professional and educational opportunities for a majority female workforce.
  • Impact Global Health: Primary clinicians certified in basic obstetric ultrasound can transform patient care, reduce wait times, and enhance community acceptance and access to ultrasound.
Grand Challenge Inteleos clinician Working on Monitor in Kenya Hospital

Our Impact In Kenya

Maternal Health Grand Challenge is targeting maternal fetal health in Kenya due to the high maternal mortality rates, which stand at 342 deaths per 100,000 births, representing approximately 0.02% of the female population.

Our strategy is to to develop a specialized curriculum designed to train and equip skilled birth attendants and clinical officers with ultrasound in both rural and urban environments, which will be driven by local clinical leadership in Kenya.

This training will help in reducing the daily death toll and work towards the goal of decreasing maternal and fetal morbidity by 10% within five years.

While the initial engagement began in Kenya, the blueprint of stakeholder convening, consensus, collaboration and implementation will enable national healthcare systems in LMICs to scale the access to quality maternal care to all women.

Our Partners

We are proud to collaborate with a distinguished network of partners who are as committed to transforming maternal healthcare as we are. The following partners bring invaluable expertise, resources, and dedication to our Grand Challenge, making a profound impact on communities worldwide.